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You Haven't Lived Until You've Sailed
Set sail on an unforgettable adventure with Great Lakes Sailing! Whether you're a beginner who has never been on the water or a thrill-seeker hoping to advance your skills, Great Lakes Sailing has got you covered. We offer a range of lessons to meet your needs. Discover the excitement of the open water and embark on a journey of exploration and discovery.
Ready to hoist the sails?
Enjoy a daytime sail with your loved ones for some much needed relaxation. Be sure to use our discounted group lessons as a way to fill the need of a family activity! Appropriate for children ages 10 and up.
Join our community of women who enjoy the freedom of the water as much as you! We meet for weekly group sailing sessions. Any experience level is welcome! We also host activities like bike rides, and nature walks.
US Sailing Accredited School
First Sail is a nationwide initiative developed by US Sailing with support from sailing schools, community sailing centers, yacht clubs and other sailing industry organizations around the United States.
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